Joshua (Josh) Blumenthal is an audit partner of CohnReznick’s Financial Sponsors & Financial Services Industry Group and helps lead and drive growth for the practice. He has more than 22 years of experience providing audit and other attestation services to the alternative investment industry, including hedge funds, private equity funds, venture capital funds, and fund of funds.
Josh is responsible for coordinating, managing, and performing audit and other attestation services for alternative investment vehicles. He provides guidance on fund structuring, fees and allocations, and seeding arrangements best practices, as well as reviewing and commenting on fund offering and governing documents.
Josh began his accounting career at Rothstein Kass in October 1998 and worked his way up through the ranks to become partner in July 2006. He joined CohnReznick in May 2019 from KPMG LLP, where he had been an audit partner since July 2014 when Rothstein Kass was acquired by KPMG LLP.
BS, Business Administration - Accounting and Finance, University of Arizona
AS, Accounting, County College of Morris