Amanda Gibbs is a partner in CohnReznick’s Government and Public Sector Advisory practice with more than 18 years of public and private sector financial management, audit, and consulting experience. Her experience includes budgeting and forecasting, internal controls, regulatory compliance, and financial and management reporting. Amanda has comprehensive knowledge of industry standards, broad experience with corporate and federal accounting, and extensive audit knowledge gained by performing evaluations of internal controls. With a solid understanding of applicable compliance issues, Amanda also has strong knowledge of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), generally accepted government auditing standards (GAGAS), and generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS).
Amanda provides audit and agreed-upon procedures services to numerous agencies and government contractors. Her primary scope of work includes audit—including business systems, CAS disclosure statement, incurred cost, project verification, forward-pricing, billing-rate, and proposal—and examination services over funds managed by government contractors. Audits are conducted in accordance with GAGAS and include evaluations of the contractor’s design and operating effectiveness of internal controls, as well as compliance with contractual terms and applicable laws and regulations.
Performing internal audit projects under the direction of audit committees, Amanda provides business process analysis, due diligence, policy analysis, contract assurance, operational/organizational risk assessments, and other services. With a strong technical background, she can effectively accomplish objectives by facilitating various groups within all levels of an organization.
MS, Accounting and Information Systems, Middle Tennessee State University
BS, Accounting, Randolph Macon College