2022 GAUGE Report: Reimagining how we work

    city crosswalk
    2022 gauge report reimagining how we work thumbnail

    As the upheaval of the pandemic settles, leaders are faced with unprecedented decisions surrounding how to shape their workforce.

    Never has there been so much unchartered territory, so much decision-making latitude, and so much riding on the decisions made around workplace structure.

    Based on a survey of over 1,000 government contracting organizations of all sizes, and in collaboration with Unanet, our 2022 GAUGE Report  provides deeper insights into the data and the state of the workforce and workplace.

    In this year’s report you will learn:

    • Top overall organizational challenges and opportunities
    • Workforce talent needs, skills composition, costs, strategy and policies, and challenges
    • Compensation plans, salaries, benefit structures, and other benefits
    • Effects of the pandemic on employee hiring and retention

    Plus, you will receive all the peer-to-peer benchmarking data that you have come to rely on every year. 


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