William Pidgeon
CPA, Partner, Leader- Financial Services Industry

With more than 24 years of diversified public accounting experience,  including 21 years of specific financial services industry experience, William Pidgeon provides accounting, auditing, tax, and consulting services to hedge funds (including offshore entities), fund of funds, and Registered Investment Advisers. William is responsible for auditing year-end financial statements and assessing internal control procedures for clients. He also performs examinations of investment performance returns as well as surprise examinations pursuant to Rule 206(4)-2 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.

William Pidgeon

Office | 786-687-7500

Miami, FL

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Experience and credentials

Member of the Office Executive Team in the Parsippany office and has served as head of audit for that office. 
Organized and delivered numerous in-house continuing professional education courses for accounting professionals.
Plays an active in the firm’s recruiting process.
Contributes insight to articles in numerous financial services publications.


BS – Kings College 

Professional affiliations

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
New Jersey State Society of Certified Public Accountants
Hedge Fund Association
Princeton Roundtable