Message from our CEO David Kessler: Exercising your right to be heard

red white and blue vote buttons

The pandemic has changed a lot about how we live, how we work, and even how we vote. But one thing it hasn’t changed is our right *to* vote. CohnReznick recognizes the extraordinary challenges facing voters – including our people. The following is a message our CEO David Kessler sent to all employees and partners on October 13, 2020.

Election Day, November 3rd, is just over three weeks away. For some of you, voting may already be underway, whether by mail-in, absentee ballot, or early in-person voting.

This year's election is unlike any in living memory as the pandemic has disrupted much in our lives, including how we vote. But one thing hasn't changed: your right to vote. Voting is the lifeblood of our democracy. It is your chance to be heard by those who represent us and our communities.

I encourage you to exercise your right to vote and to do so safely. Know your options on how and when to register and vote; deadlines and procedures differ by state. Use this link as a valuable resource.

I also want to ask all of you to accommodate each other's needs for voting: limit meetings on November 3rd, and be conscious of the extra flexibility some may require.
If you need some time off to vote, please take it.

Stay safe. Stay involved. Be heard!


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david kessler

David Kessler

CPA, Partner, Chief Executive Officer

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